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I am an artist, entrepreneur, and attorney.


I was born and raised in rural Tennessee. When I was in high school, I was fortunate to have two exceptionally good art teachers. With their help and guidance, I won a full scholarship to the School of Visual Arts in NYC, where I earned my BFA in Sculpture. 


A few years later, I earned my MFA from Yale University. My art career proceeded at a stellar pace, with solo shows and a commission from the Public Art Fund. At age 32, I became the youngest person to ever become a Guggenheim Fellow, which is an extraordinary honor. 


I remember the day I found out I had received a Guggenheim. In an instant, I saw precisely how my life would proceed. Most people would have welcomed what I saw as certain success in a historically fraught industry. But not me. And so, I changed directions. 


I started a company that made skin and body care products—decidedly mundane when compared with the art world—but my company opened many doors. I learned about perfumery, essential oils, and all sorts of practical things, like how soap is made and the functions of plant oils in skin care. Having a brick-and-mortar store allowed me to interact directly with customers rather than through a gallerist or curator. I loved this because I wanted to speak for myself. 


I owned my company for more than a decade, learning invaluable lessons throughout that time, but eventually, I wanted something more. 


I went to law school and became a lawyer, a career that I love. My creativity serves me well as a lawyer. Throughout my time away from the spotlight of the art world, I have always continued to make art. I truly love the circuitous life I lead and the work I make. 


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